Thank you Orly for all the love and gifts. Your clarity helped me to connect to myself and reminded me to enjoy each moment of life
-Brigit Germany
Living the experience of Tao’s and Paros allowed me to stop and look inside. In this The Beyond Femininity Workshop with Orly, has also opened some closed windows and has given me confidence, strength and tools to keep digging inside.
-Patricia Spain
The moment I saw her for the first time my heart got bigger. Orly opens your mind, your heart & your soul to divination. She makes you believe in what you always felt; in the colors of your soul, in the ‘Course of Miracles’. Her workshops make the child in you alive again, you have fun and you unleash your most beautiful self. And if you are ready, her healing sessions recover your heart, make your mind understand and your soul thrive for new information. It is a rebirth… It feels like the beginning of the rest of your life.
-Raya Beirut
In Orly’s workshop I’ve learned how to connect to my heart, to be able to get in touch with my real feelings and not what I would like to feel or what I think I should feel. How to make the difference between truth and illusion. Orly is a great teacher and her way of teaching is unique, practical and easy to understand. In a gentle and intelligent manner she brings you to a better understanding of your automatism and your repeating habits and to how you can change them.
I highly recommend her workshops.
-Silviane Switzerland
If you always wanted to know about yourself and your femininity, join the Beyond Femininity Workshop with Orly! It is a great gift and
I found my inner queen.
-Janna Germany
Listening with her wise eyes and heart wide open, Orly took me through a powerful journey of looking in and out, realizing the beauty and the love available for all.
-Hagar Israel
Orly works in many ways, always feeling the need of the person in front of her. To go to a private session with her can be a very deep, beautiful and a life-changing experience. She is able to read in your story and personal history. As a channel she can help you to connect back to your own center, to listen again to your own voice and heal old pain. For her work she uses many different ways of healing; it’s always surprising, but the most important thing is that I always felt safe. She helped me to see my gifts, my uniqueness and the uniqueness of my life – and showed me that everybody has a right to live an authentic life.
She is a wonderful soul reader!
-Anke Germany
During the month that I’ve spent at Tao’s Center in Greece, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in Orly’s offerings, such as the Ring (sharing and teaching circle), evening group sessions as well as personal sessions. To everything she does, Orly brings a high degree of quality, truth, love, care and wisdom.
I have learned so much and feel deeply grateful and inspired, especially by her authenticity, wisdom, humor, big heart, groundedness, clarity and love. It’s hard to describe in just a few words, but one word I would use is truth-seer. Orly has the gift to see right through you and reflects it back in the most loving and wise way. I couldn’t think of a better person to have founded, lead and live the InLove School.
-Nicky Netherlands
It is a gift to interact with Orly. She guides you with love. In both group or one-on-one sessions, Orly is a master at getting to the core of what you need in each moment. Her workshops are dynamic and interesting as she shares her knowledge and guides you to learn about yourself. Orly empowers her students to use their own guidance system and to live life with love and authenticity. I would sincerely recommend working with Orly to anyone who has the opportunity
-Kate USA
Orly’s ability to embrace both the bright and the dark with the same fearless vastness of her heart bears the capacity to transform a person’s life in ways that are deep and profound.
Trying to fit her into a category, school, practice or approach simply feels hopeless. Her all including respect and breathtaking intelligence leave her with no need for such. Orly is by herself an approach to love and freedom, as she embodies the values she teaches. Simply being around her is a lesson for joy and forgiveness…a place where the war is over…a land that feels like home…For all the lucky people who will be in her presence…prepare yourselves for the ride of your lives! And it’s fun!
-Katherina Greece
The Beyond Femininity Workshop was an empowering and liberating experience. Much gratitude for the amazing teachings and sisterhood.
-Anna United Kingdom
J’ai eu le privilège de participer à ce stage « Being Human » grâce a des amies qui m’avaient parlé d’Orly Doctori quelques années auparavant. J’ai été a Paros quelques mois avant le stage afin de faire sa connaissance et j’ai découvert une excellente thérapeute et surtout une grande grande dame ce qui m’a convaincue de revenir pour son stage. Durant le stage d’Orly j’ai ouvert mon cœur à une autre dimension, je l’ai libéré de la peur de s’exprimer par pudeur et de par mon éducation et ce fut non seulement une magnifique révélation, mais un changement radical d’attitude au quotidien, une légèreté, une aisance et une joie réelle. L’autre métamorphose qui s’est opérée a la suite de ce stage: oser me lancer dans l’aide à autrui, chose que je reculais de mois en année de peur de ne pas être prête. Orly m’a donné tellement confiance en moi avec tellement d’amour que je me suis lancée depuis 9 mois avec tellement de bonheur. Le Credo d’Orly est simple : Being in Love, Etre en Amour, tout un programme qui j’applique au quotidien maintenant. Orly, Merci, Merci, Merci avec tellement d’ Amour et Gratitude pour m’avoir offert d’exprimer mon Amour, l’Amour en tout et en permanence sans restriction.
-Monique Lebanon
The first contact that I had with Orly’s work was a couple of months before the workshop. Even though her presence, since we first met some years ago, always has been escorted with grace and many times there was this feeling that we are meeting and talking out of the context of this reality. Anyhow the ring was very impressive and it confirmed many things to me, of which the most important was the power of the circle. A ring with the intention of creating a space of love so that all people can be present, reflecting each other, is a powerful vehicle. Some kind of flying saucer. During the workshop we have practiced the creation of the flower of life using focused loving intention and we have managed to download love energy, more information and wet eyes. Some days after our wonderful meeting I guided a Qi Gong workshop in Naxos and I had this feeling of passing this energy to the participants and yesss its working. People where moved and I received feedback from the people speaking about mystical experiences and wet eyes. Also an old friend from my past appeared out of the blue asking for love. So here we are, stay tuned and connected, it looks like we have some job to do. Taking distance, cultivates the observer, the soul is becoming comprehensible, back to earth the old personality transforms, it moves to meet the being, the being too will come down singing, there where they meet the Human is created.
-Dimitris Greece