About In Love School

The InLove process is an incredible evolutionary leap for one to be involved in. You will begin to understand that you create your own experiences and you will learn to become conscious creators.

You will remember who you really are.

In the past this ability was the gift of saints and prophets. The state of human evolution was not ready for it and only the chosen ones were given a taste of it.

Like lightning in the dark.

Now we have reached a time when everyone is capable of reaching this state of being in life.

Knowing yourself and creatively mastering your life.

Now we have reached a time when everyone is capable of reaching this state of being in life.

Knowing yourself and creatively mastering your life.

Now is a time that allows knowledge and experience on a much wider scale than before. This new stage in life is available to meet the inner knowing and expose it as an expression of everyone’s unique life. We have traveled far in evolution and the process has led us to a tipping point. We are now on the path to higher consciousness.

The InLove school follows the nature of life’s evolution .

Researching the amazing structure of the multiple dimensions of life, like nets of consciousness one on top of the other, moving interdependently, growing in endless creative ways. Performing life in all forms.


The syllabus goes through the chakras structure. As the scale of evolution in oneself and in the collective scale of growth. InLove School offers knowledge and experience. When you know yourself you know all. Slowing down to full stop, opens wider understanding and allows the discoveries that are on the way. And what we discover are the conditions that hold us back. And we also discover the keys we have to free ourselves from these conditions. By deeply listening we create solutions that were not available before. We reach out and include practices that support our growth and when we feel ready we teach our knowledge and experience in many different ways.

We all come from love and going back to love. We make love bigger with our life experiences. When remembering, every challenge on the way is an invitation for expansion. Everything is in its place for a reason. Knowing yourself and surrendering to your potential, opens the door for the unique life you are here to live.

We are lucky to be here in times when evolution is ready for the next state. Everyone is on the journey in a place relative to himself and his life. This is the holy process of life.

About Orly Doctori


Orly Doctori is a woman, mother, therapist, teacher and founder of InLove School.

Orly is leading group processes, individual sessions and workshops all around the world, from New York, Berlin, India, Greece and Morocco. In 2014 she created the InLove school, offering various tools for mind, body and spirit work.

Orly’s journey started while leading a successful career in the music industry. at a point, she embarked on her spiritual journey, studying Jewish philosophy, Buddhist & Hindu thought, Chinese medicine, A course in Miracles and many more. Here is how she describes her path: 

‘My spirituality is not traditional although I have learned and still learning from the mystical hearts of the world’s ancient traditions. I’m deeply grateful for the wise teaching of many. I follow my own heart and listen to those who speak from their own. The tools I practice and share are those that came intuitively and resonate with me, challenge me and allow me to unfold.

I was born in a confused place on this spinning planet, where people were engaged in wars and hate over different agendas. I saw the denial of women and their sexuality. I saw fear. I saw ordinary sad lives. My heart was not at rest and had a profound drive to search for different information and experience. A meaning to life. I knew the extraordinary in my dreams, and my intention was to find a way to have it as reality.

I have studied the Bible, the New Testament, Upanishads, Buddhist Sutras, Chinese medicine, A Course in Miracles, Osho and many others, esoteric and alternative. At some point I dived into my own exploration and self expression.

My perspectives have changed. I started being my best generator for conscious living. My own authority. I am InLove .

Not that I’m not getting kicked by life. I am challenged and my limits are broken again and again. I’m learning myself and definitely it’s not always fun. I have ended what is usually called “good normal life” – career, relationships, lifestyle – and moved across the ocean, took risks. Scrubbed my internal, got  pretty ill and experienced healing. I have questioned everything possible.

I can say today that I have no doubt It Is Worth It.

My spirituality today is real and alive, active and not separated from my everyday life, sharing it with friends and companions for the way. I have tasted enough to know that it is the only way I want to live.

The tools and knowledge I offer are not the steps for everlasting bliss, but a way to actively look for your own answers. To take responsibility for your own well-being. To find your doorways to the divine, to own your uniqueness. To honor your gifts and to generously share them with the world.’